The Virginia chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) got started in January 2015. The Area Coordinator and other elected positions change yearly. Check the site for ongoing webinars, membership information and other opportunities. Virginia is part of ACFW's Mid-Atlantic Zone.
Capital Christian Writers Fellowship is the merger of two earlier writers groups in the greater Northern Virginia area. It is an organization of Christian professional and non-professional writers who meet in Northern Virginia for seminars and encouragement. Members hail from a wide band of the tri-state area, including Shenandoah Valley, Richmond, and Baltimore. Meetings are online with various support groups.
The mission of Christian Devotions is two-fold: First, to provide personal and relatable devotions for those who may not otherwise be exposed to the Word of God. Second, to promote Christian writing and reading. Our devotions are, at times, both bold and humorous, but never beyond the bounds of decency. Within our roster you'll find best selling authors like, Ann Tatlock, Irene Brand, Jane Cook, Yvonne Lehman, Ron Benrey and Loree Lough.