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Tales of Fantasy, Mystery and Adventure Under the Influence of Christian Homeschooling

S. A. J. Lyttek, a multiple award-winning writer, always loved writing, but didn’t arrive at the profession in the typical manner. After college and graduate school, she plunged into government consulting. In this environment, she discovered a knack for writing tests, interviews and other measurements. That soon became the focus of her career—reigniting her love for the written word. Thus captivated, she spent evenings freelancing “fun” writing including short stories, poems, articles and cards. When her eldest was a toddler, she quit full-time work to stay home and write. Eager to spend more time with her children, homeschooling intrigued her. From preschool through high school, she homeschooled both sons while continuing to freelance. While an integral part of the homeschooling community, she developed and taught writing classes to a generation of homeschoolers. Married to her childhood sweetheart, Gary, Mrs. Lyttek loves to share her commitment to learners of all ages and her fascination with the written word.


Embrace the Power of Both

2/19/2025 5:45:00 PM BY Susan Lyttek

First of all, welcome to all the new King Sumo subscribers!

Because many of you are not familiar with my blog/newsletter and it’s been a long time since I’ve described my purpose, etc. I figured I’d start there.

The name of my blog is Homeschooled by Homeschooling because, even though I haven’t homeschooled my own in nearly ten years or taught homeschooled kids at co-op since the pandemic, I feel those experiences over the years taught me more and made me grow more than I taught. I think a lot of life is like that. God tends to work on us when we think we’re helping others.

My goal, each week, is to post a blog that is between 500 and 700 words. (This one is a tad over that.) Occasionally, I will mention a new release or a project that I’m working on. But trust me, I rarely use my blog to promote my books. Rather, I write the blog to share with you all, bring you alongside me on this walk through life. I’m hoping that the posts will make you think. Maybe ask questions. Maybe want to thank me, or conversely, yell at me. (But hopefully, not often!) Sometimes I will pursue a theme. For instance, Fall 2024 was “dreams and memories”. Other times, it’s some random flotsam that percolates to the top of my mind. Sometimes, it’s a combination of both.

That brings me to today’s theme and title.

For the local members who know my immediate family (hubby-Gary, adult sons-Erik and Karl) you have probably heard us say that title. If I ask, for instance, if salmon or steak would make for a better dinner, “Embrace the power of both!” might exuberantly burst from any one of them. Probably followed by a laugh and an allusion to the joy of surf and turf.

But Gary and I say that phrase a lot in another, more meaningful situations. When we’re studying God’s Word. In our adult Sunday school, someone might ask if a story or scripture refers to God’s love or His mercy. Embrace the power of both.

We’re praying about something and wonder if God is using the situation to grow us or encourage us. Embrace the power of both.

If we’re reading a prophecy, in the book of Isaiah per chance, was it written to be fulfilled near the time he wrote or at a future time? Embrace the power of both. Or was it fulfilled with Christ’s first coming or will be later at his second coming? Embrace the power of both.

So much of Scripture, so much of life, has more than one layer. Yes, we can simplify it and see only what relates to us now. But we can also look deeper and ponder what might have been true at another time or what might come to pass someday—all of which make the words true.

We can enjoy the moment God has placed us in and still look forward with anticipation to another moment that we have planned. We can also enjoy the moment God has placed us in and still grieve that another moment or time has passed. Embrace the power of both.

Do we sometimes have to choose only one thing, one path, one person? Yes. That’s part of the God-honoring life. We choose only one God, after all. But God is infinite enough and gracious enough to sometimes allow to have an early career detour and then our dream job. Because often his both is his all.

But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him
.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV)

I composed this blog as a welcome to the new subscribers in part. And if you remember, I said that I don’t often promote my books here. But not often isn’t never. And to embrace the power of both, if you read this blog and leave a comment about it on my website, I will enter you into a contest of sorts. Two weeks from today, March 5th, I will number those comments and randomly select one commenter/subscriber to receive your choice of any one of my e-books that are on Amazon.

Embrace the power of both!